Advertisement (Ad) Banner Widgets for Blogger and Blogspot Blogs

What is Ad banner? and How it Looks Like?

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Ad banner is a space on your blog where you can place the ads of your visitors or client on request. its simple to customize and use..

How to add it?

  • Goto Blogger Dashboard --> Layout --> Add a gadget --> HTML/Javascript
  • Place the below code on HTML/Javascript.
  • Now save the Widget After Customising.

<div align="center"> 
<table border="0"  cellpadding="2" cellspacing="6" width="265"bgcolor="#ffffff"> 
<!--  BANNER#1  -->
<script language="JavaScript"> 
images = new Array(2); 
images[0] = "<a href = 'URL OF ADVERTISER' rel='nofollow' ><img src='URL OF BANNER’S IMAGE-1' border='0' height='125' width='125' alt='AD DESCRIPTION'></a>"; 
images[1] = "<a href = 'URL OF ADVERTISER' rel='nofollow' ><img src='URL OF BANNER’S IMAGE-2' border='0' height='125' width='125' alt='AD DESCRIPTION'></a>"; 
index = Math.floor(Math.random() * images.length); 
<!--  BANNER#2  -->
<script language="JavaScript"> 
images = new Array(2); 
images[0] = "<a href = 'URL OF ADVERTISER' rel='nofollow' ><img src='URL OF BANNER’S IMAGE-1' border='0' height='125' width='125' alt='AD DESCRIPTION'></a>"; 
images[1] = "<a href = 'URL OF ADVERTISER' rel='nofollow' ><img src='URL OF BANNER’S IMAGE-2' border='0' height='125' width='125' alt='AD DESCRIPTION'></a>"; 
index = Math.floor(Math.random() * images.length); 
<!--  BANNER#3  -->
<script language="JavaScript"> 
images = new Array(2); 
images[0] = "<a href = 'URL OF ADVERTISER' rel='nofollow' ><img src='URL OF BANNER’S IMAGE-1' border='0' height='125' width='125' alt='AD DESCRIPTION'></a>"; 
images[1] = "<a href = 'URL OF ADVERTISER' rel='nofollow' ><img src='URL OF BANNER’S IMAGE-2' border='0' height='125' width='125' alt='AD DESCRIPTION'></a>"; 
index = Math.floor(Math.random() * images.length); 
<!--  BANNER#4  -->
<script language="JavaScript"> 
images = new Array(2); 
images[0] = "<a href = 'URL OF ADVERTISER' rel='nofollow' ><img src='URL OF BANNER’S IMAGE-1' border='0' height='125' width='125' alt='AD DESCRIPTION'></a>"; 
images[1] = "<a href = 'URL OF ADVERTISER' rel='nofollow' ><img src='URL OF BANNER’S IMAGE-2' border='0' height='125' width='125' alt='AD DESCRIPTION'></a>"; 
index = Math.floor(Math.random() * images.length); 
<table border="0" bordercolor="#0084ce" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="6" width="265" bgcolor="#ffffff"> 
       <td><center><a href="URL OF ADVERTISER" rel="nofollow"><img width="265" height="37" border="0" alt="Advertise Now!" src="Place the Advertise Here GIF Image Here.." /></a></center></td> 

This Widget coding is took from mybloggertricks And We thank them.


Replace the Red Color Text with the URL Of the Advertiser.

Replace the Blue Color Text With the Ad description.

Replace Yellow color text with the Image of Advertise now.

Replace the Green Color Text with the URL Of the Image.


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